My name is Hilarie. I am a mother, herbalist, teacher, mentor, artist, and musician. I am passionate about sovereignty, specifically for women. I live in the Connecticut River Valley on one acre of land that gives abundantly and leaves me in awe of its beauty and gifts on a daily basis. I am obsessed with cycles. The cycles of our female bodies, the wheel of the year, the phases of the moon, the birth-death-rebirth cycle of our souls, all mirroring one another. The way I see the world, I am not separate from the Earth. I am a part of her, and my body is a reflection her movements.

I began learning about herbal medicine after a long struggle with digestive issues, depression, and anxiety that left me completely frustrated with the conventional medical system, and I began to wonder what else was possible for healing myself, my gut, and my spirit. My healing journey really took a turn when I became pregnant in October of 2019. For the first time in my life, doctors started talking to me about the risks associated with the medications I had been prescribed a decade before, now that I was incubating another life. That pregnancy ended after only a few frustrating and stressful weeks, but it turned my entire life around. I liberated myself from all pharmaceuticals, changed my diet, and took my health and well-being into my own hands. That spirit baby brought me a wake-up call, that I needed to get my health together, and one year later, in October of 2020, I birthed my son into my own hands in a kiddie pool in my living room, completely on my terms and in my sovereign power.

Now all I want to do is help women step into their power, through connection to their bodies as the source of this power. I am among the inaugural class of the Blood Mysteries School, led by Nancy Lucina and Kristin Hauser, through the Free Birth Society. This experience was beyond transformational, and I can’t wait to share this lineage of sacred knowledge with women everywhere, especially young girls. I am committed to fighting the epidemic of female body illiteracy.

Everything I do, from teaching people to make their own herbal medicine, to teaching women how to track their cycles, to supporting women in undisturbed autonomous birth, or showing people how to nourish themselves, is in service to sovereignty. The capitalist patriarchal colonial world we live in only works if we believe ourselves weak and sick and powerless. When we learn to rely on each other and the Earth, to live in reciprocity rather than extraction, we can free ourselves from these systems that only seek to exploit us.

If you have made your way here, you are probably also looking for ways to free yourself from these systems. I am so honored to share what I have learned with you and help you make the steps toward your own personal sovereignty.

To your healing and your freedom,

Hilarie Elaine